The Anderson, in collaboration with VCUarts Graphic Design and Assistant Professor of Graphic Design Lauren Thorson, is excited to announce the Fall 2023 Anderson Publishing Grant. Now in its sixth year, The Anderson Publishing Grant is a semesterly award in support of student publication within the arts. The Anderson will provide up to $300 toward direct production costs associated with the publishing of a VCUarts student-designed publication. One publication project will be selected each semester through a juried, online proposal process.
Open to projects including traditional bound publications, zines, experimental book forms, posters, audio/video media, digital and web-based publication, with an emphasis on editions and multiples.
Timeline for the Fall 2023 Grant cycle:
9/25 Submission period opens
10/6 Submission period closes
10/18 Selected project announced
The grant is awarded by The Anderson’s faculty advisory committee, a jury composed of faculty from VCUarts’ studio art departments.
Poster by Lauren Thorson