Performance Spaces

Raymond Hodges Theatre
The Raymond Hodges Theater is the largest performance space for VCUarts Theatre and seats up to 257 people. It features a thrust stage that provides audiences a view from three sides. The unique space offers a level of intimacy between performers and the audience, without losing the utility of the theaters lighting and sound systems. The space also provides unique scenic design opportunities. The departments main stage season is presented in this space.

Richard Newdick Theatre
The Newdick Theater is a black box style theater that seats 150 people. It hosts classes and 8 productions each school year by the student run Shafer Alliance Laboratory Theatre (SALT). It is a flexible performance space that lends itself well to the creative growth that happens at VCUarts Theatre.

Movement Studio
Our movement studio in PAC is one of the most spacious of our large performance classrooms / rehearsal rooms. The space features a raised wood floor that offers a professional performance surface to move on. Equipment for this studio includes full length mirrors, sound system, and video equipment.