I breathe in and out, repetitively, rhythmically, consciously and unconsciously. I move in the space, around the space, away from the space. I remain still, while moving in the most indiscernible way, in the most minuscule measurements of time, thus seemingly still. My eyes reach for the furthest on the other side of the peaks. My ears search for the widest above and below the waves.

I remain distant to the surrounding beings as they remain distant to me. I constantly look back, to reexamine every word being said and exchanged, to reevaluate the states of mind. I dive deeper and deeper inward, to understand this person who is me.

I yearn for the delicate, the transient, the palpable yet still intangible. I yearn for the phenomenal dynamics embodied in the fluid state of the body, constantly in conversation with the mind. I create visuals and sounds, hoping to elicit the secretive electrical currents, which I once and again experience when I have a bodily reaction to a thought of mine.