My work examines how systems of power influence movement, agency and attention. Through my sculptural, performative and image-based work, I critically engage with prefabricated materials through a formal, absurdist lens. I saturate common objects and habitual behavior with acts of repetitious gesture and skewed position in order to excite close attention and embodied agency. My projects cut through the invisible haze of systems that effectively cordon social behavior. I am attracted to forms which act out power dynamics of use and intent like bollards, dog bowls and stanchions. My critique of authority and mastery emerges as urgent and mischievous as I incorporate dark humor, wordplay and color in my works as gestures of subversive levity. Dedicated towards an anti-disciplinary approach to art making, my projects engage specifically with their host environments while they feed and foster their own aesthetic proclivities. Imbued with uncanny resonance, the subjects in my works are mischievous, unfixed and responsive to circumstance and change. Fascinated by working with things as they are, I approach space-making and world-building, not ‘from scratch’, but instead using poetic intervention to look anew at what is easily invisibilized inside of the habitual and common.
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