Visual storytellers know – murals don’t always require paint or a brick wall.
Virtual Murals, a VCUarts course in collaboration with industry partner CoStar Group, brings visual storytelling to a whole new level.
“This collaboration started as an abstraction – a focus on the Richmond art scene,” said Sterling Hundley, professor of Communication Arts and creator of the course.
“But then we figured – who better to visualize and represent the Richmond art scene than those who will define it?”
In spring 2024, the course’s inaugural group of students collaborated to conceptualize, storyboard, design and animate their very own virtual murals that would adorn the massive LED screens running the perimeter of CoStar’s stunning downtown Richmond headquarters.
Celebrating Richmond’s landmarks and highlighting the city’s local flavor, students created these murals in collaboration with VCUarts faculty and CoStar Group’s all-star creative teams.
View the first semester’s Sizzle Reel here.
“I was beyond impressed when I saw what the students achieved in such a short amount of time,” said Maja Galic, senior creative director with CoStar Group and key collaborator with Hundley on this project.
Open to all VCUarts students, Virtual Murals is running its second-ever cohort of students this Spring. “I’m so eager to see what our next group of storytellers and animators will do,” Hundley said.
Virtual Murals runs as a 3-credit course on Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.