About the Program

The concentration in fashion merchandising requires a strong background in marketing, business and specialized professional courses with an emphasis on globalism. Students are directed toward assignments that will develop their skills in research, writing, presentation and critical thinking. Graduates find career opportunities in fashion forecasting, product development, advertising and promotion, retail management, buying, and international marketing. Internships provide not only experience but industry contacts, and are strongly recommended. They may be conducted primarily during the summer semester. Study abroad programs are readily available for fashion merchandising majors.

The department also offers a concentration in fashion design.

4+1 Degree Option: Accelerated B.A. and M.S.

The accelerated B.A. and M.S. program allows qualified students to earn both the B.A. in Fashion with a concentration in fashion merchandising and M.S. in Business with a concentration in marketing management in a minimum of five years by completing up to 12 credit hours of approved graduate courses during the senior year of their undergraduate program.

Accelerated Degree Requirements

Some classes you might take in this major:

  • Fashion Branding
  • Fashion Entrepreneurship
  • Line Development
  • Importing and Exporting Fashion
  • Textiles for the Fashion Industry

Our alumni are:

  • Designers
  • Stylists
  • Social media influencers
  • Fashion entrepreneurs
  • Buyers

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