Craft/Material Studies

Master of Fine Arts in Fine Arts with a concentration in glassworking

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glass display

About the Program

The Master of Fine Arts in Fine Arts with a concentration in glassworking, which requires 60 credits, is usually completed in two years of full-time study. The majority of credits are taken in your area of specialization. Graduate seminars, art history courses and other studio/academic electives round out your individualized program, and studio visits and critiques with visiting artists and critics are an important aspect of the program. You will interact formally and informally with the faculty in your area, and with other faculty in the department and in the School of the Arts. Each graduate student works closely with a faculty committee that meets at least twice a semester for critiques and discussions. At the end of the first year, you will present your work to the departmental faculty in a candidacy review. At the successful completion of 60 credits, you will mount a thesis exhibition at The Anderson or at an alternative venue.

The MFA is the terminal degree in the studio areas and is a requirement for most university teaching positions. Within the studio concentration, emphasis is placed on self-motivation, individual investigation, and the development of professional attitudes and skills. You are expected to demonstrate a serious commitment to your work and develop mature ideas and forms of expression.

Every effort is made to assist students in gaining valuable teaching experience while they are in our program. The department aids students financially through a variety of scholarships and graduate assistantships. Opportunities exist for qualified students to teach courses during the academic year and in summer school. Admission to the graduate program and the awarding of graduate teaching assistantships and scholarships is highly selective and competitive.


glass sculpture

The Master of Fine Arts in Fine Arts with a concentration in glassworking program demands a minimum of two years of intensive studio work. You are expected to demonstrate a serious dedication to your studio practice through steadfast perseverance, and a constant maintenance of your individual focus. Students are expected to identify aspects of the material that led them to intellectually and emotionally fearless art making. The visual vocabularies of all members of the graduate studies program in glass will be extensively supplemented through personally directed, in-depth research across a wide swath of disciplines. In the end each graduate course of concentrated study is individually developed, individually tailored, and self-driven, and each student will work closely with a committee of professional faculty members, all of your choosing. The end point of study will be the presentation of a culminating solo master’s exhibition that showcases your original research undertaken and completed over the two-year period.