Application for Licensure

Due upon completion of degree requirements

Students who have earned an MAE or BFA in Art Education and have passed required tests (Praxis II, Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment), are eligible for Virginia Licensure. Applications can be found on the Virginia Department of Education website. Students can turn in application materials to the Department of Art Education for review during their last week of Student Teaching.

Upon successful completion of all requirements for the BFA degree in Art Education, students must submit an application to the Department of Art Education for teacher licensure. Once approved by the department chair, the applications are sent to the School of Education for approval and then to the Virginia Department of Education. Applications typically take 8-10 weeks to process.

Licensure Requirements

  • Completed and signed application form. Part II-IV of College Verification form will be completed by the Art Education Department.
  • Initial licensure fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) by money order or personal check made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia.
  • Official VCU transcript
  • Official transcripts from any college or university you’ve attended outside of VCU
  • Copy of score report for Praxis II: Art Content Knowledge
  • Copy of score report for VCLA
  • Copy of the Child Abuse Prevention Certificate.
  • Proof of Emergency First Aid and CPR training (see below for details)
  • Proof of Dyslexia Awareness Training Module

New! Recent Virginia legislation (House Bill 2028 and Senate Bill 986) requires that all applicants for licensure or licensure renewal must complete hands-on training in “Emergency First Aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Use of Automated Defibrillators.” All applicants applying for licensure must submit written documentation that clearly indicates that all three topics (emergency first aid, CPR, AED) were included in th certification or training. This certification or training program shall be based on the current national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator, such as a program developed by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.

Currently, the Cary Street Gym offers a course called “American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED” which does satisfy this requirement. There is a $60 fee for VCU students. Please follow the directions at RecSports to sign up for the course. Please make sure you only sign up for: “American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED”, as that is the only course offered at the Cary Street Gym that satisfies this licensure requirement. The certifications come in within 2-3 weeks and you will be notified to come to the Cary St Gym to pick it up. You will note that the course is available on Saturdays so that you will not need to miss any time from internship/student teaching. You must submit your certificate with your signature in your licensure application.