Sculpture + Extended Media is a place that legitimizes and fosters restless becoming, where intellectual, emotional, and physical emancipation is as crucial for the individual as it is for the community. We rigorously engage the burgeoning philosophical, critical and technical conditions that shape art making today. Our mission is to continually develop a rigorous yet supportive environment that leads to the expansive growth of individual artists.

The Sculpture Department welcomes a broad range of approaches: from spatial-, object- and material-based practices; to performance, film and lens-based media; from social and relational to web-based and evolving technologies. Moreover, within the School of Arts and art community at large, Sculpture + Extended Media tests the limits of objects, images and actions, acting as a speculative laboratory that branches into science, philosophy, anthropology, ecology, ethnology, media studies, history and other practices.

Alumni from the Department of Sculpture + Extended Media include three MacArthur “Genius” Fellows and numerous Guggenheim Fellows. They have won Joan Mitchell Grants, Tiffany Fellowships and other major awards. Alumni attend prestigious residency programs, hold teaching positions in top schools and maintain active studio careers throughout the world. They are starting businesses, opening galleries, and changing the way artists engage with the community.

Our Faculty

are Teachers and Doers

The Department of Sculpture and Extended Media’s faculty represent a spectrum of directions and philosophical attitudes. Faculty interests range from formal to conceptual, from the concrete to the evanescent. This breadth of interests is presented to students and contributes to the comprehensive nature of the department. Students are not only exposed to traditional sculpture media, but encouraged to explore technology’s parameters and to pursue interdisciplinary activity.
Sculpture professor Lily Cox-Richard examining art work


Curious is a publication created by students in the Graduate Seminar of the MFA program.
curious cover

Student Resources

Browse student resources including information about internships and funding opportunities.
Student working on sculpture project in the studio classroom


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Connect with Sculpture + Extended Media

1000 West Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23284