Associate Professor of Music Theory and Bassoon Associate Professor of Music Theory and Bassoon
Bruce Hammel is an associate professor of music theory and bassoon in the Department of Music, as well as the coordinator of the musicianship area. Hammel has served as principal bassoonist with the Amarillo, Tallahassee and Charlottesville symphonies. Hammel has been an active performer of chamber music, as well, and has performed as a member of the Atlantic Winds at VCU, Currents at the University of Richmond and the Albemarle Ensemble at the University of Virginia. He can be heard on numerous recordings of chamber music with the National Wind Players, a recording ensemble for Klavier records, and with Currents. As a soloist, Hammel has performed regularly in recitals at the state, national and international levels. Hammel received his Doctor of Music in bassoon performance at Florida State University, his Master of Music in wind instruments from the University of Michigan, his Bachelor of Music Education from the State University of New York at Potsdam, and his BA in biology from Hamilton College.