Please join us for the Spring 2022 public screening of 10 student video submissions on Friday, April 1st and again on Saturday, April 2nd from 6pm-8pm outside The Anderson building.
The theme this year is F A N T A S Y
Schedule of Events:
The screening events will be from 6-8pm both nights.
6:00 – 6:10 Arrival, Introduction from Curatorial Research intern, Sophia Saucer
6:10 – 6:30 First round of screenings, Order:
Being A Dragonfly, Baotran Vo
Dress Will Dry, Fiona McMichael
The Fool’s Journey, Jacob Wall
Dressed In Pink, Taylor Colimore
6:35 – 7:30 Second round of screenings, Order:
Ode to Joy, Cecilia Tuttle
Secrets, julia spewak
Indigo Anger, Justin R. Cockrell
Blue House, Cate Duckwall
Breathe 2, Cory Caulfield
Old Yes, Oscar Muendel
7:30 – 8 General Q&A for artists present
Each video will be briefly introduced by the artist or an Anderson representative, with a 5-minute break between two screening rounds. Come out both evenings to hear from different artists!