Attendance Policy

Classes in the Department of Kinetic Imaging are based on lectures, demos, critiques, and class discussions; therefore, frequent absences, whether excused or unexcused, may affect the final grade (documentation of religious observances and mandated short-term military training are the only university accepted absences – see the attendance policy in the university bulletin). If a class is missed, the student is still responsible for the assignments that are due and the material that is covered in class.

  • For a 3 or 4 credit class that meets once a week, more than one absence will result in the lowering of the student’s final grade by one whole letter grade for each absence; more than three absences will result in an automatic “F” for the course.
  • For a 3 or 4 credit class that meets twice a week, more than two absences will result in the lowering of the student’s final grade by one whole letter grade for each absence; five absences will result in an automatic “F” for the course.
  • For a 1 credit class that meets once a week for 5 weeks, more than one absence will result in an automatic “F” for the course.

Arriving late to class or leaving before class has ended is inexcusable; therefore, frequent lateness may also affect the final grade – two late arrivals are equivalent to one absence. Extenuating circumstances beyond a student’s control (medical, family, legal, etc.) are considered exceptions to these rules, should be accompanied by written documentation (where applicable), and will be handled on a case by case basis.

The policy is:

  • 2 absences allowed per semester
  • 2 tardies equal one absence
  • Critiques are mandatory